Current Fashions in Web Design

Current Fashions in Web Design

Web design is a bit like fashion, it evolves and changes over time and each year see new trends emerge. Are you up to date with the current trends for this year and if not, how could they help your business website to be more effective? If you could improve your visitor experience by incorporating just one of these trends then you could be increasing your sales. Here are a few that can make your site perform better:

  1. Background videos

These are becoming increasingly popular but be careful not to make them too intrusion of annoying. They are perfect for telling a story about your business and do away with the need for lots of written content. A video, if done correctly, can be a great way to engage a visitor with your business story and message. They are effective at enticing the visitor as soon as they land on the page and can explain your business or service without them having to read anything. They are easier to take in as some people get put off by blocks of text.

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  1. Large Product Pictures

Many websites have started displaying oversized product images and the reason for this is to be able to highlight different design features more clearly. If your site is dedicated to certain products then this is a great opportunity to focus on the valuable elements of the product. An oversized image is clearer, conveys important information through imagery rather than lots of blocky text and focuses on what’s important to the customer. If you’d like to revamp your existing website, then think about hiring a Cardiff Web designer. For more information, visit

  1. Unique Typography

A particular font or typography will usually distinguish a brand and enable customers to identify them immediately. Nowadays, designers are using a larger variety of fonts, giving businesses more choice and opportunity to express their brand through unique typography. The type you choose will reflect what your company stands for. Will it be fun and silly or serious and functional? Choosing a font that displays well on computers, mobiles and tablets is recommended to avoid awkward displays.

  1. Flat Design

This is simply any design that does not provide the perception of 3D. An example of non-flat design would be something with shadows. The reason designers favour flat design is that it’s easier to read and has a much quicker load time as there no tricky technical elements in the background. Choosing to opt for flat design or incorporating some depth with shadowing, just make sure that you’re consistent across the whole site. This is help visitors to instantly comprehend what they are viewing.

  1. Mobile Friendly

In the past, sites have always been developed for large screens and then optimized for viewing on smaller devices. Many companies now are reversing this process because mobile phones are now the leading device for web browsing in the UK. There is nothing more frustrating than a website that can’t be viewed properly on a mobile phone so this mobile-first thinking is a good step forward. It’s a great way for them to focus their content on what really matters as they are designing for a smaller screen.

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