An introduction to Chapter 8

An introduction to Chapter 8

Chapter 8 refers to a part of the Traffic Signs Manual from the Department for Transport. The official document outlines in detail safety requirements for traffic, carriageway works, road signs and markings. Chapter 8 specifically refers to road safety and the requirement for signs for road works and other temporary measures.

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This code of good practice is aimed at the planners and personnel responsible for ensuring that all road works remain safe at all times for motorists and pedestrians and for those carrying out the schemes.

How did the name ‘Chapter 8’ come about?

The Chapter 8 guidelines were collated by the Department for Transport and are contained in the guide for traffic signs and management. Its name came about as a result of the position for regulations within the guide. ‘Traffic safety measures and signs for road works and temporary situations’ has been divided into different parts – designs, operations and an update.

The design section contains advice relating to safety measures, including identifying the traffic signs required to guide road users, including pedestrians. It also deals with the traffic signs required to guide motorists and pedestrians safely past obstructions in the event of temporary layouts.

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Vehicle chevrons as outlined in Chapter 8 are not legal requirements in England, although they are good practice and most organisations will ensure their transportation bears the appropriate markings.

The rear markings of vehicles under 7.5 tonnes must be upward facing and the stripes should alternate in red and yellow. They must measure at least 150mm wide and no more than 200mm to ensure as much coverage as possible. They must be visible at night and non-reflective during the day. Vehicles must have visible appropriate maintenance signs in a non-reflective black.

Chevrons can easily be applied to commercial vehicles

Chapter 8 compliant chevron kits are available from a range of suppliers, such as Chapter 8 chevrons can easily be applied to commercial vehicles, thereby ensuring the fleet adheres to good practice.

According to Financial Newspaper, the global traffic management systems market is expected to grow significantly during the period 2019-2025 due to various government initiatives to improve infrastructure and improve public safety.

Chevrons related to Chapter 8 are not legally required in England, but vehicle markings must be applied in Scotland and Wales.

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