What are your options when it comes to braces?

What are your options when it comes to braces?

Braces come in many shapes and sizes, and one type of brace will not be suitable for everyone. Thanks to modern techniques, there is always a suitable orthodontic treatment available to meet your needs. There is certainly no need for the old-fashioned metal braces if you do not want them. Read on to explore more options when it comes to braces.

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Traditional dental technology included fixed metal braces of the “train track” variety that needed regular adjustments. Removable braces were another option; these clipped onto your teeth and could be worn for shorter periods of time. A retainer was also used after a fixed brace to keep the teeth from moving again. These old-fashioned braces are a thing of the past, and there are many modern techniques that offer a more pleasant experience.


One popular option today is Invisalign, which uses unique technology to allow the whole “brace” device to be made out of clear plastic. The custom-made aligners are changed every couple of weeks as the teeth move. These sit over the teeth discreetly and the patient can take them out while eating. This treatment offers the same effective treatment as regular braces but is almost invisible to others, meaning the patient’s everyday life will not be affected. A Cardiff Invisalign dentist such as https://cathedraldentalclinic.com/orthodontics-cardiff/invisalign-cardiff/ can have your “brace” developed in no time.

Lingual Braces

Another option is lingual braces, which are like regular braces but are fitted behind the teeth on their back side. This means that the braces are invisible from the front. It is easy to get fitted with lingual braces. Incognito is the market leader for these lingual braces, which are also sometimes called iBraces.

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The British Smile

Thanks to the new technology in dentistry, British people are taking advantage of more orthodontic treatments each year. As the Guardian reports the idea of “English teeth” being bad teeth is no longer true for most Britons today. When Invisalign was launched, the BBC reported that 70 per cent of people avoided having a traditional brace fitted because the high visibility of the metal made them feel self-conscious, but this is no longer a problem.

With Invisalign, this embarrassment is not an issue as the device is almost invisible, while there is even less to notice with lingual braces as the device is fitted behind the teeth.

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