Listening to music will be a new experience with these headphones dopamine generators

Listening to music

Listening to music will be a new experience with these headphones dopamine generators

One of the most satisfying moments is when we have a chance to get headphones, turn up the volume and disconnect from the world through music, of course, everyone will have their favorite, but the point is the experience and feelings that makes us listen to music, an activity that certainly we all know, but that could now change radically thanks to a new invention.

Listening to music
Image Source: Google Image

The company based in Florida, Nervana, presented an interesting device that presents us with the opportunity to enjoy music like never before, as technology hearing aids have electrical stimulation to the vagus nerve, located in the ear canal, with intention to release dopamine, also known as “happiness hormone”.

Nervana: listening to music has never been so satisfying

The system proposed Nervana, consists of a musical device called a generator, and a pair of headphones in-ear, where the right hearing aid only emit audio signals, but the left, besides music, will be able to transmit an electrical signal low frequency into the ear to stimulate the vagus nerve, which extends throughout the brainstem to the abdomen and plays an important role in the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control centers reward and pleasure of the brain and the regulation of mood and emotion.

Listening to music
Image Source: Google Image

According to officials of Nervana, have achieved these tiny electrical signals traveling in sync with the music, this thanks to a joint effort between the generator and the headphones as it is not sending signals constantly, the generator analyzes the music played and synchronized with certain frequency in small doses, again according to the rhythm of the song playing.

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An important point is that behind Nervana are some professionals in the field of medicine, but despite this, have not shown any evidence or study that proves that this device actually increase dopamine levels, but say that does not exist a risk of a possible over-stimulation, plus it is not classified as a medical device, so you do not need to be endorsed by the FDA.

The only thing the company has presented are a series of testimonials from people who have tried the device, which of course ensure all have felt immensely happy and could not stop smiling, feelings remained for about an hour. The musical device Nervana and can be booked on the website of the company, its price is $ 299 and will be available to be sent during the month of March.

Hi, I am Alex Chowdhury; I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working with depression and anxiety.

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