The history of the development of local-area networks
Computer networks allow convenient and allow transmission of digital data from a remote device to another, collectively to shared network resources and peripherals. In order to work together in single LAN equipment from different manufacturers needed harmonization and standardization of approaches to building local networks.

During the period of the 80s of the last century finally formed the basic standards of distributed computing systems is Ethernet and others. During this period, local networks quickly entrenched in the corporate sector. You probably are wondering – “What in those days, American entrepreneurs have seen the benefits that it provides network technology?”
Automation of business processes by means of computer networks allows the rapid exchange of data between different departments and even subsidiaries of the company. Cut paper work; reduce the terms of coordination and the adoption of business decisions. It increases productivity and reduces the overhead.
The advanced, in terms of economy, automation of business processes of countries – the key to successful business management. The local entrepreneurs are trying to seek any legal ways to improve their business; they do not have to rely on the unlimited state subsidies, naive and unscrupulous clients, customers. In such countries, the vast majority of entrepreneurs will not make a bet on fraudulent methods of enrichment and tax evasion. Production associations in those regions and not last year, without orders, the company simply cannot physically exist and produce competitive products on the equipment of 70 years ago.
In this environment, the network administrator as a specialist, rather, will amount to engineer industrialist, rather than to the cleaners and the watchman. But do not let the bad and sore, back to the history of the development of local networks.
Over time, the LAN is rapidly growing, contributed to this:
- Optimization standards,
- Increasing the capacity of communication channels,
- Improvement of the system software to the needs of networking and discrete hardware.
LAN has become increasingly used to transmit multimedia data (audio and video). In the corporate sector, with the help of computer networks began to organize a video conference to work together on common projects, participants are geographically distant from each other. Other means of communication, offering these features gradually fade into the background, and in our time, postal mail, fax, telegram or other – just look archaisms.
To tell that for the cost of the use of communication through global networks, it should make one small historical digression.
That global network, which we now know as the Internet was not the only way to communicate and transfer data. I am not talking about rural clubs, semaphores, Morse code and fire bells, but the Fido (Fidonet) – famous amateur network once had many followers and enthusiasts around the world. Contact Fido was carried out by means of special software and a modem connection. The cost of data transmission depend on setup time and cost equal to a phone call, it was very cheap, but if it is not long-distance connections. With the popularity of the Internet, Fido slept, but there are fans in our time.
With the advent of modern Internet service providers, all network communications have become charged by the volume of traffic, measured in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc. Existing unlimited calling is very popular in recent years – a marketing illusion of permissiveness in the consumption of incoming and outgoing network traffic.
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