Five strategies to manage your time at uni

Five strategies to manage your time at uni

Along with the newfound independence that university life can bring, many students will find themselves more strained for time than usual. A work-life balance is hard enough, so introducing studying into the mix can be even more overwhelming. To help, we have put together this helpful guide on five steps you can take to properly manage your time during your university years.

1. Accommodation

Choosing the right student accommodation Leicester can go a long way toward helping you manage your time; for example, if you are likely to use campus resources, you will save time spent commuting by living on campus.

Similarly, if you have a job, want to be closer to the city, or don’t want to share facilities such as kitchens and bathrooms, private accommodation may suit you better. Providers such as can recommend accommodation to suit your needs.

2. Timetabling

Time management can feel especially daunting when it is all in your head. Dates, times, and deadlines pinging around your brain can be distracting and stressful, which is why simply taking the time to note down what needs doing can be a huge relief. Make sure to include time to unwind alongside your tasks for the day/week/month.

3. Priorities

Managing your time is also easier when you know what is most important. Your main priority, above all else, should be your mental health and safety. If you don’t feel up to a social outing, communicate this and go along to the next one. If you are burnt out by work, take the time to rest or socialise. It is all about balance.

4. Communicate

To continue from our previous point, communication is key to managing your time. Telling friends or family what your schedule is and what your plans are can reduce stress, and keeping in touch with tutors or other staff members can similarly alleviate your anxieties.

5. Planned relaxation

Serendipity can sometimes guide your free time, but not always. Planning activities you love to do can help you maximise your enjoyment of your time off.

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