Five tricks to have a warmer home without turning on the heater


Five tricks to have a warmer home without turning on the heater

Autumn is over, the year is about to end and we are in full swing in the winter. The days are short and cold, and we need solutions to maintain a friendly and warm atmosphere without climbing several degrees heating. These five tips, practical and fun, can help us…

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1) The biggest enemy of a warm home is the cold air outside. The solution is to seal the airtight as possible windows and doors that can be cast any airstream.

2) On the other hand the winter is the perfect season to make cooking and especially baking. The delicious aromas will make the house have a pleasant and warm atmosphere. In addition, leaving the oven door open after cooking increases the temperature in the kitchen or dining room.

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3) On a cold afternoon it is ideal to take off some layers of clothing and cuddle on the couch with the couple, with the children or even with a pet. Nothing gives off as much natural heat as another body. The hugs are good sources of heat and add a soft, warm blanket may be the best choice.

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4) Warm moving the body is also a good choice: dance, take yoga mat or climb the stationary bike are attractive proposals to achieve the objective, increase warmth.

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5) But, above all, the heat is a feeling. Making the interior nice and cozy automatically causes the internal heat to increase. Candles, rugs and cushions are decorative elements that give a touch of warmth to the home. Color accents can also have a big impact.

Maybe some of these ideas had not occurred to you and yet they are all very simple and easy to put into practice, so we already know how we have to close and open the year, baking rich things, doing sports and hugging those who More we want … Healthy life and more warmth of home is our desire for 2017. Enjoy the night and … Happy New Year!

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