Where Can I Find Relevant Academic Regalia Information Before I Purchase One?

Where Can I Find Relevant Academic Regalia Information Before I Purchase One?

It’s graduation time and you may find yourself asking, “Where can I find relevant academic regalia information before I purchase one?” Well, there are several places where you can find information on academic regalia. You can check the deadlines and the specific colors of hoods and tassels. You can even find a source that rents regalia that is made from recycled plastic bottles. We will help you uncover all the important academic regalia information you need to know before you buy or rent one.

Graduation regalia is available for purchase

Graduates must purchase their own graduation regalia in advance. Since regalia is not available at commencement ceremonies, students must order their regalia in advance. Depending on the school and program, regalia may be purchased in black, white, blue, red, green, gold, or yellow. They are available online or in person. Graduates must order doctoral regalia at least eight weeks before the official commencement ceremony.

Some bookstores carry graduation regalia for sale to students and can be purchased in advance. Students can purchase their caps and gowns as early as February. The bookstores on some campuses carry the regalia for each school’s graduation ceremony too. They will also have honors, masters, and specialist hoods. Although students are encouraged to purchase their regalia early, the cost may be higher if open stock is available.

Available for rental

If you are in the process of earning your doctorate, you may be wondering where to rent your regalia. You are in luck, as Jostens offers regalia rental and purchase services. If you’re worried about renting regalia, the website also offers postage-paid return packaging. You can return your regalia for a refund or exchange. In either case, you’ll be able to wear your regalia until the day of your ceremony.

The most common regalia for graduation ceremonies are the cap, tassel, and mortar board. You can even rent a Ph.D. or Ed.D. hood with tassels. All of these items are available for rent – just be sure to order early! Please note that you must place your order by the deadline or you’ll incur an expedited handling fee. If you have already ordered, you can choose from several sizes and colors to suit your occasion. If you’re unsure of which size or style to rent, you can request a refund online.

Worn for religious reasons

Academic regalia evolved from two different cultures. The Middle Eastern tradition of wearing formal robes at universities was adopted by European traditions of higher education. European universities were primarily religious, and students wearing regalia for religious purposes were expected to be more distinguished from laypeople. However, today’s academic regalia reflects the traditions of both cultures. The modern-day form of academic regalia involves different colors and lengths for different degrees.

The history of academic regalia reaches as far back as the eighth century. The medieval townspeople of Europe wore long flowing robes in different materials and colors depending on their rank and wealth. Eventually, these robes took on distinctive colors and styles and were adapted to various professions, guilds, and religious orders. While these traditions have since changed, the style of academic regalia remains largely unchanged.

Made from recycled plastic bottles

The green gowns are made from molten plastic pellets that are recovered from recycled plastic bottles. Each gown requires approximately 23 bottles, and having more than 1,500 graduates means 34,500 bottles. The caps and gowns can then be recycled into new gowns. By purchasing green gowns, the University is contributing to its sustainability goals. Further, green gowns are also more affordable. The college is encouraging employees to ask for sustainable products when shopping for regalia.

Graduates at Duke University, for example, will receive eco-friendly diplomas. The company producing the regalia uses recycled plastic bottles to create gowns. Using recycled plastic bottles, each gown will prevent 23 used plastic bottles from entering landfills. Moreover, each gown is shipped in recycled cardboard boxes to reduce its carbon footprint. Lastly, graduate students will receive a recycled plastic bag to store their gowns.

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