Why is my dog panting and restless?

Why is my dog panting and restless

Why is my dog panting and restless?

Punctual and moderate panting in a dog is something natural because panting is the main mechanism that the animal has to regulate its body temperature. If you have ever wondered why dogs pant, the answer must be found in their own body: their number of sweat glands is minimal (they are only present between the pads of the feet and in areas of sparse fur). Thus, when a dog’s body temperature rises, the rate of his breathing quickens to cool himself off.

However, when panting intensifies and lasts over time, it can be the symptom of heatstroke that endangers the life of the animal. In addition, there are other causes why a dog sticks its tongue out longer than normal. Why is my dog panting and restless? We tell you the reasons for agitating breathing in dogs so that you can take the necessary measures and take care of your pet’s health. Read more: Educate the dog to sleep in the doghouse

Why is my dog panting and restless?

Why is my dog panting and restless

In midsummer, when the thermometers exceed 35 ºC, it is normal for your dog to pant. As we have said, it tries to ‘cool down ‘ and lower its internal temperature. In these cases, it is important to monitor if the panting rhythm does not decrease even if the animal is in the shade and has freshwater within reach because the risk of heatstroke exists, especially if your dog is lying down drowsy and rejects Water.

If the above symptoms occur, your dog needs veterinary attention. That way, your vet can tell you exactly why your dog is panting a lot. In this sense, it is important to remember that also, in winter, a dog can pant a lot in a poorly ventilated interior space with high heating.


“My dog ​​is panting a lot and shivering” is a frequently asked question to vets. The reason may be that the dog is going through some type of infectious disease that causes an increase in its body temperature. That is, your dog has a fever. For this reason, he presents a picture of abnormal panting and tremors. In this case, you should not wait to go to the vet.


When someone goes to the vet saying, “my dog ​​is panting a lot and vomits,” poisoning will be one of the probable causes that the doctor shuffles. The reaction to the ingestion of toxic substances or spoiled food can manifest itself in the form of excessive panting, general malaise and vomiting of the animal. In this sense, it should be remembered that our pet must be prevented from taking anything that he may find on the street during a walk, as it could be a danger.

Respiratory diseases

Pulmonary diseases are another possible cause to highlight, especially in elderly dogs. Sometimes, when a dog breathes as if it were snoring, it may be suffering from some type of pathology that influences the state of its respiratory tracts, such as a cold, an allergy or pneumonia.

Periodic reviews of the health of our pets, both when they are puppies and when they begin to be older, are essential to prevent and treat this type of disease.

Fear and anxiety

Fear or stress is one of the most common causes of a dog panting a lot. A car trip, a visit to the vet, a storm, some fireworks, an encounter with another dominant dog or a cat … are just one example of stressful situations that can cause anxiety in your pet and can alter their normal breathing.

As a solution, you can only remove the animal from the stressful situation and try to calm it down. Discover How to calm a dog that is afraid by clicking on the link.

Overweight and obesity

Especially in older animals, it is very important to monitor the weight of our dog to take care of its health. In addition, excess pounds can cause breathing difficulties that trigger unusual panting. The animal has to work harder than normal to walk or exercise. Also, excess body fat can put pressure on the lungs and heart, preventing them from functioning normally. With a balanced diet and exercise, you can help your dog lose a few pounds.

Excessive activity

Exercise raises body temperature, both in people and animals. Although your dog loves to play, jump or run, keep in mind that too intense physical activity can be harmful to him, especially if you do it when the heat is pressing.

If your dog is panting a lot, looking for shade and does not want to go after the ball, you throw at him. The time has come to a stop playing and/or exercising.

How to calm a dog’s panting

Why is my dog panting and restless

Now that you know why a dog panties a lot, you will have found that heavy panting is never a good thing. For this reason, it is necessary to watch that it decreases progressively until the respiration stabilizes. If the panting continues and is accompanied by other symptoms, such as vomiting, drowsiness or tremors, do not hesitate to go to the vet. If, on the contrary, the situation is not serious, there are some measures to calm a dog and get him to cool off:

  • Do not take your pet for a walk in the middle of the day when it is hotter.
  • Never leave your dog in a car with the windows closed, much less in the sun (it will turn into an oven).
  • Make sure your dog always has fresh water within reach. Hydration is essential to prevent a dog from panting heavily with the risk of heatstroke.
  • Also, check that your dog is in the shade at all times (be careful not to leave him tied to the sun).

If your pet’s breathing is quickening from fear or stress, speak slowly, lovingly, and gently pat his head. Your gestures and your slow words are the best remedies.

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