Why consumers remember the logos of the most popular brands?
It is the result of increased exposure to brand messages… Whoever goes to New York for the first time will find a somewhat surprising fact: while and stroll the streets while visiting the most popular places will encounter a certain sense of déjà vu. What you are seeing will seem quite known and what is before your eyes will sound. It is as if you had been in New York, but in reality it has not been (physically at least) ever. How can this situation be explained? The key is what you have seen over the years thanks to the cinema. The most characteristic elements of New York have been repeated movie after movie and series after series, making everyone you know and have as a reference. From time to them, the viewer is familiar with them and incorporated as to the things you know. You may be able to identify many of these places even if you never go to them forward.

And the truth is that so do many other things, including images associated with brands. Consumers remember the logos prominently in certain companies and their corporate colors, even if they are not customers of the same and although not a regular relations even with that product. These marks are a bit like New York for consumers. Although your relationship with them is limited or scarce products are just creeping into your memory and are easily recognized by them. You only have to see the logo of the brand to know who you are talking about. This is what makes even those who are picky about their diet and who are more concerned about eating healthily and healthy way to be able to almost immediately recognize the logo of McDonald’s or Coca-Cola logo.
The power of these logos is such that they are even recognized by children as one of the things that first recognized. The impact these logos on children are overwhelming. As stated in So it is handled consumer Martin Lindstrom, although children a year and half are not able to say McDonald’s (although a study by the Consumer Knowledge Centre of Middlesex in the UK found a few years ago that for many children studied the first word was or Ronald McDonald’s) themselves are able to recognize the corporate colors of the fast food chain and gold rings that make your logo. However, even cases like a child able to recognize all the logos of major brands of cars.

Why does this happen?
Lindstrom explains, is the result of increased exposure to brand messages. Children receive many corporate impacts, even though not aware of it. According to the data collected, at 3 months 40% of babies you are already exposed to a screen. At 2 years it is 90% and considering that after six months the children are able to form mental images and thus to stay with what they see, is understood to be able to recognize the things that are they are putting forward.
And how babies stay with brands and how to recognize company logos can be used to understand how adults do too. Why do adults recognize some logos and not others? Why always remain with the logos of the best known companies and all will be able to tell quickly how the Apple logo, that of Zara or Coca Cola but possibly the supermarket around the corner is?
The power of the popular logo
The key is the same dynamic that cause children to stay with some things and not others. Adults also remember those things that have seen hundreds of times, but really are not aware or are not what they really want to see or eat. Big brands position their logos everywhere and almost overwhelming. Their logos are in each and every corner of daily consumer travel and lurking anywhere. The consumer comes across them again and again, if only buyer of its products or its services, which makes it almost impossible not to see and not recognize it. As when it was small and repeated over and over again to memorize multiplication tables, brands are getting consumers to do the same with almost know.

The logos of these popular and powerful brands become an element that generates thousands of visual impacts, either by an avalanche of advertisements, a strategic placement or because their products and stores are ubiquitous (Zara just spend money on traditional advertising yet everyone knows its logo: its shops and bags, which are everywhere, are responsible for it). You cannot have a Mac or maybe an iPhone does not have, might even despise a little all the hubbub generated by Apple products, but nevertheless, everyone will be able to quickly identify the company logo, even if there is no Apple Store hundreds of kilometers around. Apple has become an iconic brand that has made the job of positioning it.
Add to this the fact that these brands have worked with particular care designing their logo adds. As their colors, forms and other elements that comprise a particularly positive work to help achieve the desired objectives.
One strategy is important
And therefore, care for the logo and create a solid strategy related to it is very important. Brands have to be able to position their logos significantly among the messages received by consumers and have to play the exhibition. They have to pursue with their logos and have to make that they are always visible and therefore ultimately memorable.
Hence a traditional format such as sponsorship, which makes the logo appear in places that are not usually, occupies the brand, remain relevant and continue achieving some success. Brands should aspire to be like their logo New York: everyone remembers, but has not been, because I saw him on many occasions background.
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