How to Travel Cultural Exchange
Take a trip of cultural exchange is really a wonderful experience. Get the facts and all you need to know to start this adventure.
Reasons to make a trip Cultural Exchange
If you are thinking about taking a trip of cultural exchange but are not sure if it’s something you should or you like, read on. You may think it is a great waste of money, which does not bring forth anything positive, you’re afraid to go to a city where you do not know and probably speak a language different from yours, how to spend leisure time, etc.

There are many benefits of making a journey of cultural exchange. Meet some of them:
Advantages of a cultural exchange trip
- You will have new friends almost instantly reach your destination.One of the ideas of cultural exchanges is that you spend some time at the home of a family with someone your age, and then go to your home. This young introduce you to his friends and you’ll wonders. At the same time, you’ll make new friends at school or in the neighborhood, also in a club or in a mall.
- You will learn a lot about the language spoken in that country.This is really exceptional because no course in your city will have this advantage. Having to take the subway or the bus, go shopping or ask a question in the street are the everyday things that need to know. Therefore, you will return to your home as an expert in that language.
- You get to learn a lot about the culture and traditions of the place where you are. Meals, music, customs, activities, attractions and places; where residents go. In the days when duration of your stay you will be one more in the community. Attend shows, runs museums; stroll through parks or beaches, all are welcome to an amazing experience.
- Will take advantage to learn beyond the neighborhood or the city allocated by the cultural exchange trip. Perhaps the host family wishes you take to a nearby town for you to meet other life forms, or you can hire a tour for a weekend to go to another city by train, plane or bus. Every day that you’re in this place you must make it count.
- You will be able to return anytime if your experience was positive.You never know at what point you might want to stay in the city or need a contact abroad.
- You will appreciate what you have at home to miss your parents, your brothers, your school, your friends, your activities, etc. You will return much more mature than you left, that’s for sure.
Cultural exchange trip: important information
Once you have known the advantages of making a journey of cultural exchange, safe to have further consultations. Check out these data that will help answer many of your questions and have more tools to accept this experience:
- The age of the young people who are part of an exchange trip is between 14 and 17 years, that is, those who are in high school, high school or secondary
- The journey can be from one month to one year, everything depends on the program and the possibilities of each
- The visitor is part of a foreign family for the journey time and share their daily activities
- The young of this family can then go home to spend the same amount of time as you, sharing with you your activities
- In some cases, while one is in the house of a family traveling to the other our home
- There are two types of cultural exchange. The short, lasting between 4 and 12 weeks, and extensive, 5 to 12 months
- In most cases you can travel at two different times of the year, i.e. at the beginning (January or February) and averaging half (July, August)
- Within the cultural exchange programs include: Choosing a host family, accommodation and food from this family, college enrollment where the children of the family attend, monitoring by organizing the trip, and emergency medical insurance 24 hours
- Normally, you can choose the city that will travel for cultural exchange. A meeting with parents is done so they can have all the information of the family receiving the young and contact details, as well as verifiable references
Requirements to make an exchange trip
Some of the requirements to make a cultural exchange trip are:
- Have the right age
- Have a good level of language spoken in the country you go
- Be a regular student with good grades, no disciplinary sanctions and in some cases, pass an exam.
Regarding the necessary documentation to be submitted to register for an exchange program, you must have:
- Valid passport
- Identity
- Student Visa (if necessary)
- Library with vaccinations
- Medical examination and dental
Note that these programs do not usually include tickets, personal expenses (such as eating out, transport, and additional rides), costs for processing a passport or visa, the permit issued by a notary minor, etc.
Want to take a trip of cultural exchange? With this information you will decide sure faster…
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