Six Plumbing Pipe Materials

Six Plumbing Pipe Materials

When it comes to domestic plumbing systems, there are a number of choices in terms of materials. So, what are the main types, and what are their pros and cons?

1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

PVC pipes have been used widely since the 1950s. They are a popular choice because they do not rust or corrode and they are inexpensive, lightweight, and easy to install and maintain. However, they are not suitable for hot water supply lines and are best used for waste drainage applications.

2. Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX)

A relatively new material for pipes, PEX offers many positive attributes at an affordable price. It is durable, doesn’t rust or corrode and is extremely flexible. This means it can be used in complex systems without having to be cut up, spliced or joined. It is best suited to hot and cold water systems in newer homes.

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  1. Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

    ABS pipes are another example of plastic piping. They are similar to PVC in that they are durable, water-resistant, corrosion-resistant and affordable. They are often used in sewer systems or drains but they are not suitable for exterior use or for drinking water pipes because they contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a known toxin.

  2. Copper

    Copper pipe remains a popular choice. Copper pipes have a long life span, don’t contaminate the water, and can handle high temperatures. However, they have the potential to corrode, and this can give the water a metallic flavour. copper pipe is best suited to hot and cold water systems.

    5. Cast Iron

    Cast-iron pipes are commonly found in older houses, usually for sewage systems. They are very durable and can handle extremely high temperatures. However, they are more brittle than other types and the iron can rust inside the pipes, causing a metallic taste in tap water.

    6. Galvanised Steel

    Galvanised steel pipes have been used in homes for many decades. They are more durable than many other types, malleable and feature a protective coating to reduce corrosion. However, they are heavy and unwieldy and can be tricky to repair.

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