Do you really need a website?

Do you really need a website?

Businesses are always testing new ways to connect with their clients and customers in today’s consumer-driven world. Email marketing, social network marketing and customer service are all part of this. But we cannot forget about your website. Your website does so much more than just provide a platform to showcase your products and services.

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It is expected that any business should have a website. People are becoming more dependent on technology, and our children may be even more tech-savvy than us. The size of the website will vary depending on what it is you want and how you intend to use it. A website that also acts as a storefront will be more complicated than one that showcases services. For Web Design Surrey, visit

This is why it’s important to provide your contact information, your company address, and your registration number. It helps to confirm that you’re not a fly by night business.

Most of us surf the internet in the evenings, or even early in the mornings. You can extend the hours that your business is open by having a website. This will allow you to advertise and possibly even be contacted 24/7. You will see that if you place your contact information, including an email address in a prominent location on every page that people will email you overnight. You can schedule social network posts ahead of time. This allows you to use your website to advertise to people even when your office is closed.

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Over 80% of consumers will conduct some form of online research before purchasing a specific item. You will be able to appear in Google searches if you have a website and ensure that it is optimised for search engines.

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