Skills You Need For That High Powered Job You Are After

Skills You Need For That High Powered Job You Are After

Many of us dream of working in a career which gives us money and power, it may seem somewhat narcissistic but let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a healthy bank balance and a job which commands respect? Whether you want to become an owner of a business, a politician or even someone like Robert Bassam, CEO of his own automobile company, you need to have a certain set of skills to not only obtain such a position but also to be successful in that position. Let’s take a look then at the skills which you are going to need in order to gain the coveted position that you are after.

Blind Ambition

From the very beginning of your career you need to be shooting for the stars and honestly believe that you can make it to the top. You should act like you already have a high powered position from the very beginning, even if you are at the bottom of the pile. The truth is that if you don’t believe that you can go after that high powered job, then nobody else will and you need to make it clear to everyone that the top is where you want to go.

People Person

Nobody ever got the top of their industry through being belligerent, unhelpful and isolated and if you truly want that position then you will need to be a good people person. Interpersonal skills are vital in high powered positions, you will be speaking to people from all walks of life, you will  need to gain the hearts and minds of those around you and you will need to command and give respect to many.


Being a visionary is a key characteristic in the make up of successful people, constantly seeking for ways to innovate improve and shape the path in front of you should be uppermost in your mind. Being a visionary or forward thinker is not solely about being creative, it is also about looking to the future and finding the best way to be prepared for what it may throw at you.

Decision Making

Almost all high powered job roles will require you to be able to make fast, smart and high pressure decisions almost daily. In order to be a great decision maker you need to be able to understand all angles of the choice which you are about to make and the consequences of each potential action. Equally you will need to be able to seek out advice from the right people and be strong enough to take their opinion into consideration. Risk taking is often required but you can only do this if the risk has already been well calculated.

If you possess the skills above then why not consider aiming as high as possible and going after that big job that you have always dreamed of, whether changing or starting your career, it is time to go get that powerful position.

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